Last Thursday, I had my annual visit to a psychic. If you are a regular reader of my blogs, you will see one about her from last year. She is truly awesome. I took my good friend "Dancing Debi" (my favorite name for her) with me and she, too, had a lovely hour with Elsie Poynton. We both had amazing readings. Larry, my dead husband, even came in on Debi's reading, introduced himself, thanked her for being my friend and support, and then left leaving Debi in dialogue with her passed over mother and other loved ones.
So....my "roomies" father was on the brink of dying last Thursday. A twenty minute dialogue with my dead husband through a medium made it perfectly clear, that this man who is now in my life has absorbed my spiritual energy...including my husband! The prognosis: Me: "Should Chris go home now to see his father?" Elsie: "The sooner the better". Me: "How soon is soon? They are using morphine to ease his father's pain." Elsie: "I can't tell you when, but I can see that each day, there will be more morphine until the pain is gone."
Chris's father finally died yesterday. Chris had booked his air flight to New York on Wednesday. He will go home to be with his mother (encouraged by me). This is good. But the hesitation I received from him when I ask him if I should also go was enough for me to blow this hesitation out of the water. Water being my main draw here....for the walk. This is his path, not mine. Just because we are together, doesn't mean we have to be joined at the hip in everything, including dealing with his own family at this time. I've been there too many times, that I don't need it either...at this time.
So, I'm bouncing around the reservoir, bopping and walking to Pitt Bull , Michael Franti (and a few others that perk my step up)..when a flash out of the edge of the reservoir pond-grass flies a very large Blue Heron. Whenever I see one of these, it always takes my breath, but at the same time he is flying away from me, low over the water, the music changes to Inner Circle's - Sweat, The words start out with: "I've been watching you A la la la la long, a la la la la long long time...."
I realized the content of those words and with the flying Blue Heron, I stopped soundly in my tracks. My head felt woozy, my head went pow, and then I put those two experiences together. The beautiful bird, a symbol of many different religious cultures, especially in a spiritual sense, was giving me the "poke" of reality, that life is what it is. Is it that simple?
Was this Ercole (Chris's father, ), my husband, my father, or just plain GOD, reminding me that life is simple and provided me with a symbolic view that I could recognize, that I'm being watched, and cared for? Very likely so. I start laughing as I continue my walk, then I start becoming hysterical, crying hard, holding my sides, trying to walk to the rhythm of this reggae music. I had to stop and just voice my feelings onto my voice recorder, because this moment was just too magical.
I have seen a Blue Heron three times in my life. Once, when Larry was alive. About six months before he died, a Blue Heron would stand in the water of the small pond below our house on the ranch. In the early morning I would see it standing still. I noticed it, because every morning I would view the nature around my house, always the pond first. There was a stick there that I had never seen before. I had to dig out my binoculars to see the Heron. It was magical. The second time was at this reservoir about four or five months ago, walking with another friend, a widow, who was also on her own journey. We both came upon this Heron with amazement. We talked about the symbolism of what a Heron meant to others at that time too.
So lucky me, I have viewed another. I had to look up the information about this magnificent bird. There are legends that say the “Bennu” bird, as it was called in Ancient Egypt, was born out of the heart of Osiris, the son of Ra. And the Egyptian Book of the Dead says the Bennu bird was the Guide of the Gods to the land below. When one died the Heron would guide the soul to the land of the dead so they could rest for all eternity, unless they too decided to be born again. In ancient Egyptian mythology it was most likely the Phoenix that rose from the ashes and renewed itself every 500 years
So, you tell me the symbols I see.
Yes, I'm a bit whacked, but I'm enjoying this wackiness. I am also enjoying my own spirituality with awe and gratefulness. So the moral of this story is, when you get a bit miffed, go for a long walk, you will get perspective and learn to enjoy the symbols you see along the way.
Love, Lori