He was able to focus 100% of his attention to his hobby when he retired. Thousands of dollars later from travel and even hiring a researcher back in England brought him to his finished project, published as “Goose Eggs, a family History”.
My Uncle and Aunts (on the Godsey side) came from a family value of journaling, reading, and rote memorization. My father was astounding in memorization of long poems, especially the writings of Robert Service…remember “The Shooting of Dan McGrew” and “The Ice Worm cocktail”? So I imagine I have come with the interest in words and their complexities naturally.
On November 25th, my Uncle would have been 110 years old. He lived to the ripe age of 97, dying on his birthday in a convalescent home on November 25, 2000. It was also Thanksgiving Day. In thinking of my expansion in writing, I decided to dedicate this blog to him. I kept about three of his journals and all the research material and original books of the book he published. I picked up one, opened it randomly, and to a page, written in his handwriting on October 17, 1995. There were his views of re-incarnation and his relationship with his last girlfriend, Gerry, who passed away two years later. He was 92, and she was 89 at the time.
“We are alike, in many ways. Our communications have no inhibitions. Any subjects are of interest. We believe not in religion. Reincarnation is our bag of tea. We are headed for an area of higher learning; we will learn things that we can’t formulate now because our minds are finite. We are, I believe, spiritual persons. There are spiritual aspects beyond death that we may never understand.”
“This I Believe:” By my beloved Gerry - written in Bill Godsey's hand.
I believe that life is a game that has definite goals for each of the players. Every person is a part of the game, and their own goal to reach for. The object of the game, as I see it, is happiness and a life beyond this. There is only one referee. If a player makes a foul, he cannot make the play over, but has a chance to make up for it by playing better each day. I believe we should have a set of rules for any game. We have a set of rules for the game of life as in the Ten Commandments and The Golden Rule. I think these should be printed on the first page of the bible for all players who have not read past the second page. Anytime the referee decides to take a player out of the game, he does so without any of the others or taking a vote. Therefore, I believe that we should play the game as if it were to be the last. For well it may be. What we do does not affect each player, but it does affect some, and we should play to win. But remembering that our goal is completely ours and each has his own, so ours is not to be at the expense of anyone else. It’s a good game when the players work, and therefore reach their own goals with a feeling of also helping a few others do the same. With God as our referee, we should start each day with a prayer to make us better players in this game, whatever our position should be. Our part may seem small and unimportant, but to the ones who love us, we are very important. We should end our day with a prayer of thanks to God for not counting our fouls, but counting the way we play after the foul. Yes, Life is a good and interesting game. This I believe.
It’s amazing to me that as we age, we also gain wisdom in our life philosophies. It doesn’t matter what you believed as a younger adult, but there always growth, or expansion of yourself, that is the momentum of seeking more. One thing I remember (and honor) about my Godsey lineage…all of them were fantastic readers and creators with words, said and or written.
My Uncle and I would have many discussions about re-incarnation near the end of his life. He profoundly believed in it, with the knowing that his previous lives were well spent. He wrote and discussed these with those who were open-minded enough to have that dialogue with him. He was always happy and philosophical.
Interestingly enough, his last girlfriend Gerry, believed the same, but she also believed in the preciousness of prayer and a single entity. My current view and learning of spirituality would surprise him, with delight. That it isn’t just one entity, but perhaps the speeding energy and light of thought and source that keeps our souls moving in and out of bodies. I know he is someone’s angel now. He is certainly mine.
Thank you Uncle Bill, and Happy Birthday.