Mendocino is a a small community on the North Coast of California, most California residents know about it. Growing up there in the 60's gave me a quaint view on the world. It was a timber town that became an artist community, filled with free thinkers and creative minds. It was Mendocino and my experiences in Junior High School and High School that molded me. It was a spiritual me. It was an amazing youth. Hidden away from the drama of the big city excitement that I "secretly" wanted to be a part of at the time. Most teenagers want something other than the home they are in with their parents. My parents had it right, that this community was removed from the "cold war"...the real reason why we moved there.
My father, a retired military man, couldn't deal with the free-thinkers and the sixties class of rebellion. I admired the sixties scuffle during my high school years, just too young to be a part of it. Carl Godsey, gave it his best shot, as soon as I graduated from High School, they sold that lovely house on Main Street, now known as the Sweetwater Inn. I have gone back many times for a visit over the last four decades, and even stayed in that house. It's an inescapable memory, one of peace, tranquility, and blissfulness. I felt safe and at one with the ocean, many times pondering my existence on that white sand beach of Big River, reaching into the Pacific Ocean.
So, when I can see Mendocino from time-to-time, a balance of safeness and tranquility overwhelms me. I'm glad I could share it with my friends. It helps me balance myself, and get ready for the momentum making life changes. More later on that! Ladies, thank you for coming with me.
Love, Lori