One would think that after 18 months of isolation, wearing face masks, and enduring so many skeptics about science, might have enticed me to write more...but alas, I AM HUMAN.
There isn't any memory that I can place during my 70 years here on earth that of seeing that our world is in such a mess. But then I think about Germany in 1939. During the isolation, I have researched an found more geneaology documents...especially both sides of my grandparents. They were never wealthy, but hard working folks from the mid-west. They went through the great pandemic of 1917-1918. Even their market went up and down. They also went through the great depression. Theywitnessed isolation, illness, and all of that without any technology (or TV) to distract them. They, too, had political years of quandry, they had just finished a World War I. But they never witnessed an attempted insurrection by their neighbors and family members.
During those 70 years, I have seen John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy all assassinated. Being a baby boomer, I witnessed the Viet Nam war (President Johnson), Iraq 1 (President George H.W. Bush) , 9/11, Afganistan and Iraq War 2 (George W. Bush). Those seem trivial, but they weren't. The sad thing is that my children and now their children have known nothing but the US being in war. I AM HUMAN.
Today, Presidents get elected by religious fools and ideaological idiots who are being scammed by snake-oil artists, and large corporations, and then their minds are turned to jelly in the belief that only God will save us from the virus. Thinking that religion alone can heal all problems is a naive way and keeping yourself uninformed and a prime target of ideologists who will numb your brain. The disinformation spread about vaccines and masks reveals that there is a lot of damage to those people in following a cult, the #CultOfTrump. That alone has cost the lives of so many loved ones. Even if it's unintended, people believing that science doesn't matter need to go back to school. I AM HUMAN
So many widows and widowers have had their lives disrupted. Once one realizes the surprise of losing the safety of family incomes, large medical bills, and trying to exist in this new world alone takes a lot of courage. I AM HUMAN.
My anxiety of isolation (yes, with my loving husband Chris) is real, and I still step out of my house with caution. Not seeing my children and grand-daughters - before vaccinations and even after, have taken a toll on me. Zoom meetings may have helped social gatherings and even public agencies and community service groups to continue, but the social interaction is way more important. We have survived that isolation, and I feel "we" are finally feeling freer of our caution with the ramped up vaccinations, and social interactions inside and out. I AM HUMAN.
In November of 2020, Joe Biden eeked out the re-election of Donald Drump. (Yes, disrespect intended on that name of #HeWhoShouldBeUnnamed). Social media sites whipped up the disinformation campaigns without responsibility, similar to what happened when Hillary Clinton ran for President in 2016. Social media still is on the auction block regarding the investigations of our National Security and the outside influence and selected targets from Russia and perhaps China. January 6, 2021 brought an insurrection attempt of over-throwing our government. We all watched that in real-time as the Republican party tried to hack away by calling the November 2020 election illegal. We know that was not true. Social media is not a main communication piece, but humans, out of caution are using it, albeit for their own benefits. I AM HUMAN.
I admit, I'm a political junkie regarding my country. I am an activist and understand that we need all of us to stand up to the disturbing actions of survivalists, conspiracies, and just plan scam artists hunting down the easily swayed. Having a father like mine, a true patriot and career service human, I find my mind of anger is much like what he used to complain about (1966-1974 "damn hippies" and "communists). He seemed to change his point of view around 1975. I guess you can say that he (much like me) very likely changed his views on the human capacity of just living. He died at age 60, way too young to appreciate his children and grandchildren brought forward. Yes, I AM HUMAN.
So, being human, and trying to keep my own mental balance, this pandemic has given me an opportunity to review why most of all of us are changing our minds and changing our lives. When a loved one dies, you automatically go into the steps of why, how, what, and where your journey takes you. Rethinking our principles in life, and realizing that as earth beings, we are only here on this earth a nano-second, so perhaps a reflection of what a person has paused in their intention of how they live this new life, is entirely their own responsibility, so long "we" are not impacted. I AM HUMAN.
I end this rant about death and dying. I can name at least 10 people who died this year, including my only brother (age 75). Death and dying is all part of being human. To complete this, I know of a few close friends and political friends, who have experienced birth of new humans, something that should not be forgotten. Out with the old and in with the new, including I AM HUMAN.
Respectfully, Lori